Friday, 22 August 2008

Allergy free cake

As I mentioned a few times, I would prefer giving my daughter non-wheat products, and on that day, I made an allergy free cake! My daughter is allergic to eggs, dairy products and soy (which is a bit upsetting as we've got lots of soy products in Japan), and this cake doesn't have any of them! Most supermarkets nowadays have a section where there are allergy free products on the shelf. On the back of "white self-raising flour", there are some recipes using this special flour. The recipe for this cake is one of them. My daughter loves this cake, and so do we! I thought it was clever to use a ripe banana instead of using an egg. The banana has a similar texture to eggs.
I'm not sure if I can write the recipe for the cake because it's not mine. I don't follow the recipe exactly though. I use less oil for instant. When I recreat the recipe, I will write it.

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